Tips and additional information for the customers' Privacy Policy
Disclaimer: These texts contain information on how Trustmary operates from the perspective of the customer privacy policy. These texts are not legal advice, and Trustmary is not responsible for their use by customers or third parties. Trustmary shares this information so that our customers can use it to shape their own privacy policies together with their lawyers. Trustmary and customer privacy policy – how to explain Trustmary to your own customers We use Trustmary to collect customer feedbFew readersPolicies & Terms of Service
Learn about the policies regarding Trustmary and your data. Privacy Policy Trustmary's privacy policy discloses the ways your data as a user is gathered and managed. The complete privacy policy can be found on our website. List of Sub-Processors Our service providers and their servers' physical locations can be found in the List of Sub-processors. The list can be found on our site. Terms of ServFew readers