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What are widget views?

About widget views

Widget views are a metric in Trustmary that tracks how many times a widget's code has been loaded on your website (and in turn, how many requests are made to our servers).

So, basically everytime anyone visits your site and loads a widget, one widget view is counted towards your limit.

Widget views are counted on a per widget basis, and the amount of reviews displayed does not affect it. If the limit is reached, the widget is simply hidden behind a banner until the limit resets, and no reviews or information is lost. Once the limit resets, the widget appears again automatically.

The banner that appears in place of the widget when the limit is reached.

Checking your widget view limits

To see how much of the monthly view limit has been used, navigate to your Trustmary Dashboard page at

Look for the information box that reads Widget views this month. This is where you can see how many widget views there have been in the current month. Below the numbers and the heading you can also see the date when the limit will reset (the same day each month).

You can also see your limits in the top of the navigation bar on the left:

Having trouble?

Wondering why you've hit your widget view quota so fast? Check out these tips to help you figure out what happened.

Install location & targeting. Check the install location of your widget. If you've accidentally installed the widget so that it loads on all the pages of a site (rather than a single page), the views might be depleted quicker. An example of this could be if the widget is installed to the website's footer and is visible on all pages.
Tests & installation process. A widget is usually loaded multiple times while installing it, and testing out the webpage. Check the limit the following month after it resets to see if they're still depleted quickly.
Number of pages. If you have a widget in multiple locations, they usually get more total views. If you're hitting the limits and want the widgets to be visible for longer, try to narrow down the amount of pages a single widget is on.
Number of widgets. All widgets count towards the same limit, so naturally if you have multiple widgets installed, the limit is probably reached faster. Try to narrow down the amount of widgets to make the limit last longer.

Updated on: 26/02/2025

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