Articles on: Developers

Reviews (developers)

Reviews are used to store testimonials from your customers. Reviews can be used in embeds or popups on your site. Review sources can currently be Trustmary (customers answering surveys), Facebook (import), Google (import) or custom (API or manually added to Trustmary).

Reviews object


eid string
External identifier, use your CRM/ERP review identifier to sync data back to your system.*

nps integer
Answer to the question "How likely are you to recommend our service to a friend or colleague?" On a scale of 0-10.

comment string
Company of the person who left the review.

name string
Name/nick of the person who left the review.

company string
Company of the person who left the review.

location string
Location of the person who left the review. Eg. City.

title string
Title of the person who left the review. Eg. CEO.

picture URL (Subject to change)
Web safe picture of the person who left the review. We are currently hotlinking to this URL, so please use a static URL.

video string (Subject to change)
Web safe video review. We are currently hotlinking to this URL, so please use a static URL.

published boolean
Should the review be published in Trustmary. Defaults to false.

created_at ISO 8601 with timezone
Time review was created.

updated_at ISO 8601 with timezone
Time of last action performed on the review object.

deleted_at ISO 8601 with timezone or null
If review was deleted, time of the last deletion.

  "review_id": "jngB_asdcv",
  "source": "custom",
  "published": false,
  "eid": "my_external_id",
  "published_at": null,
  "created_at": "2021-01-21T17:02:11.155Z",
  "deleted_at": null,
  "updated_at": "2021-01-21T17:02:11.155Z",
  "reviewNps": 10,
  "personName": "Example Person",
  "personTitle": "CEO",
  "commentVideo": "",
  "personPicture": "",
  "personLocation": "Helsinki, Finland",
  "personOrganization": "Example Company" 

Creating/updating a Review

POST /reviews

Body attributes

eid string (optional)
External identifier, use your CRM/ERP review identifier to sync data back to your system

nps integer (optional)
Answer to the question "How likely are you to recommend our service to a friend or colleague?" On a scale of 0-10.*

comment string (optional)
Company of the person who left the review.

name string (optional)
Name of the person who left the review.

company string (optional)
Company of the person who left the review.

location string (optional)
Location of the person who left the review. Eg. City.

title string (optional)
Title of the person who left the review. Eg. CEO.

picture URL (optional) (Subject to change)
Web safe picture of the person who left the review. We are currently hotlinking to this URL, so please use a static URL.

video string (optional) (Subject to change)
Web safe video review. We are currently hotlinking to this URL, so please use a static URL.

published boolean (optional)
Should the review be published in Trustmary. Defaults to false.

  "eid": "my_external_id",
  "nps": 10,
  "name": "Example Person",
  "company": "Example Company",
  "comment": "This product saved my life!",
  "location": "Helsinki, Finland",
  "title": "CEO",
  "picture": "",
  "video": "",
  "published": false 



review review_object
Contains the created/updated review object.

action string
If the eid was unique or not set action will be ADD_REVIEW, otherwise corresponding review was updated and the action will be UPDATE_REVIEW.

  "review": {
  		  "review_id": "b83sy0tg-",
          "source": "custom",
          "published": false,
          "eid": null,
          "published_at": null,
          "created_at": "2021-01-21T17:06:51.584Z",
          "deleted_at": null,
          "updated_at": "2021-01-21T17:06:51.584Z",
          "reviewNps": 10,
          "personName": "Example Person",
          "personTitle": "CEO",
          "commentVideo": "",
          "personPicture": "",
          "personLocation": "Helsinki, Finland",
          "personOrganization": "Example Company"       
        "action": "ADD_REVIEW" 

Updated on: 28/02/2025

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