Survey answer webhooks (developers)

Using webhooks as a simple method of pushing events to your endpoint.


Last Update één dag geleden

Enable webhooks for your surveys

On the settings page scroll down to Webhooks and click on Add new. Add a name, add the endpoint and select which events you want to subscribe to. You can also create the webhook through the API.


survey_id string

Unique identifier for the survey.

survey_name string

Name of the survey.

answer_id string

Unique identifier for the given answer.

answer_values object

Contains all the answers that the user gave.

nps integer

Answer to the question "How likely are you to recommend our service to a friend or colleague?" On a scale of 0-10.

custom object 

If your survey had custom questions their answers will be listed here as key value pairs. Keys are question ids, values can be answer ids, strings or arrays if the question had multiple selection answers.

feedback string

Answer to the question "What is the primary reason for your score?"

comment string

Answer to the question "Do you want to give your feedback publicly?". This answer is used as the public recommendation.

name string

Answer to the question "Your name"

email string

Answer to the question "E-mail (not displayed)"

location string

Answer to the question "Location"

organization string

Answer to the question "Organization"

imageFilename string

Answer to the question "Profile picture". This picture can be accessed, with parameters w=width and h=height from[imageFilename]

publicConsent string

Answer to the question "I want to publish my feedback. I have read the [Companys] privacy policy". Will be "true" or "".

noPublicConsent string

Answer to the question "I don't want to publish my feedback". Will be "true" or "".

created_at ISO 8601 with timezone

Time when the first page was submitted.

organization_id string

Unique identifier for the organization.

contact contact_object

Contains a contact_object if answer link contained an identifier.

Get Webhooks


Create Webhook


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