Articles on: Getting started with Trustmary

Using tags in your reviews

Tags can be used to manage which reviews you want to use in different notifications and embeds. To start using tags, nagivate to Reviews from the navigation bar on the left.

Creating tags

You can create tags by typing on the Add tag field on any review and pressing enter.

If you want to use a tag that already exists, write the first letters of the tag and you will be able to choose the existing tag from a drop-down list.

You can also see all the tags and filter by the tags from the filters on the left.

Using tagged reviews in a Review Widget

Start by navigating to the Widgets section in Trustmary, and then open up a widget you want to manage.

In the widget editor, click on the Filter Reviews button on the left.

Then, scroll down to the Additional filter section, and search for your tag in the Tags drop-down menu.

Updated on: 17/02/2025

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