Overview of automations
Check out our new surveys with built-in automations for an even easier automation setup!
When you create an automation or select an existing one, you're directed onto the Edit Draft tab of the automation. Here, you can edit the automation itself, including triggers, steps, messages, and some more minute settings. For more on how these functionalities work, check out our guides on how to create an automation and how to send reminders with automations.

In the contacts tab you can see all the contacts the automation was triggered on and their current statuses. For example, if the automation ran normally on a contact, the status is shown as Complete, with a green check mark.
If there were any problems with running the automation, you can get more information about this by clicking on the contact and inspecting the Events section.

The summary tab shows an overview of the automation. Here you can see recent contacts, the amount of contacts and their statuses, and the structure of the automation (triggers and steps).

Edit draft tab
When you create an automation or select an existing one, you're directed onto the Edit Draft tab of the automation. Here, you can edit the automation itself, including triggers, steps, messages, and some more minute settings. For more on how these functionalities work, check out our guides on how to create an automation and how to send reminders with automations.

Contacts tab
In the contacts tab you can see all the contacts the automation was triggered on and their current statuses. For example, if the automation ran normally on a contact, the status is shown as Complete, with a green check mark.
If there were any problems with running the automation, you can get more information about this by clicking on the contact and inspecting the Events section.

Summary tab
The summary tab shows an overview of the automation. Here you can see recent contacts, the amount of contacts and their statuses, and the structure of the automation (triggers and steps).

Updated on: 24/02/2025
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