Articles on: Getting started with Trustmary

How to create Custom Surveys

Custom surveys are included with our paid plans, and can be fully customized.

What are custom surveys?

Custom surveys are Trustmary surveys aren't locked to a single type of template, and which you can completely customize.

Custom Surveys offer:
Multi-language surveys. Set multiple language versions for a single Survey. You can use our ready-made translations for the questions, or edit them to your liking. You can even add your own languages, if the one's available aren't enough. The language also automatically changes based on your browser settings.
Completely customizable survey logic. Customize which pages or questions are shown when certain conditions and rules are met. This enables you to split respondees to their own flows based on their answers, adding a layer of personalization and accuracy.
So many question types. 24 to be exact! And that's not counting the different custom questions you can create by editing the questions already offered. The possibilities are nearly endless.

Creating a survey

Start by navigating to Surveys in Trustmary and creating a new survey by clicking Create survey in the top right.

From the dialogue box that opens up, select Create a custom survey.

Next you can select a template for your survey, or start from scratch. You can see a preview of the template on the right.

Click Select on a template to continue.

You're then directed to the survey editor. In here you can see your survey's path on the left, the preview of the questions next to it, and tabs at the top.

Once you're done with the survey, you can save or share it from the top-right by clicking the respective buttons.

In the top you have tabs for the editor, preview, and results. In addition, you can have a tab for editing the email template, for example, depending a bit on which method of sharing you've selected. Read more about sharing methods in another help article.

The Editor tab is the one that is opened when you click on a survey. In here you can edit and add the questions and pages of the survey.

In the Preview tab you'll see a "live" version of the survey, which you can test it out as if it was sent to a respondent. The answers from these tests are not saved, so you don't need to worry about deleting test answers.

In the Results tab youcan find the Summary, Responses, and Recipients tabs. You can read more about analyzing your results in its own article.

Updated on: 28/02/2025

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