Contact lists (developers)
Last Update год назад
Lists are used to keep contacts organised. Lists can be used to do the same action to all the contacts in a list eg. send surveys to everyone in a list. Lists can contain multiple contacts and contacts can be on multiple lists.
Lists object
id string
Unique identifier.
type string
Type of list. Allowed values: customer, employee
count integer
Amount of contacts in the list.
name string
User defined name of the list.
source string (optional)
Source of the list. Smart lists are automatically
populated/unpopulated in Trustmary based on survey answers. Allowed values: list, smart (in some legacy lists this will be undefined even if they are of type list)
created_at ISO 8601 with timezone
Time review was created.
updated_at ISO 8601 with timezone
Time of last action performed on the review object.
deleted_at ISO 8601 with timezone or null
If review was deleted, time of the last deletion.
Getting Lists
Body attributes:
type string
Type of lists to retrieve. Allowed values: customer, employee
offset integer (optional)
By default, you'll only get the first 1000 surveys. When you want the next 1000 surveys, use offset 1000 and so on.
An array of Lists.