Introduction to Surveys

This article shows you how to collect reviews and feedback with our Surveys feature.


Last Update één maand geleden

Start by navigating to Surveys from the navigation bar on the left. Once there, open an existing survey if you have one, or click on the Create survey button on the top right.

This leads you to the survey editor. Here you can edit and customise your survey to suit your needs, see the answers left on it, and take a look at the recipients you've sent it to.

On the left you'll see all the settings of the survey and in the middle you can see an overview of your survey. The view and paths change according to what you click on the left. 

In the settings on the left you can set how the survey survey behaves. You can for example select whether to use stars or NPS as the rating, change the translations of the survey (and customise all the text for that matter), and edit the email with which you send the survey.

Speaking of sending, you can do that by clicking the Share survey button in the top right. Clicking it will open a send dialogue box, where you can select the sharing method, add recipients, and see a preview of the survey email (if you've selected the Send via email option).

From the tabs at the top you can switch between views. The next tab shows you the responses you've gotten with the survey survey. 

If the response includes a public review, that is displayed below the answer. 

In the Recipients tab you can find the contacts you've sent your survey to. You can also see at which step of the survey they are. For example, if there's still a reminder email to be sent, that shows up here.

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