I just got a review, but it's not shown on my widget


Last Update 9 hónapja

Imported reviews

If you're using our free plan (Solo), the reviews from third-party services are not imported automatically. The reviews are brought in only once when you connect the service to Trustmary.

If you have a paid plan active, the reviews are synchronized every 24 hours. If your imported reviews are not visible on you widget right away, check the review import. If for some reason the reviews haven't been imported, you can force the synchronization by clicking Import reviews now.

Trustmary reviews

If a review collected with Trustmary isn't visible on your widget, check the review from the Reviews section. On the review card, you should see a Visible in widgets button with a green check mark when the review is visible. Otherwise you'll see a Hidden from widgets button in it's place. Clicking the button makes the reviews visible on your widgets.

Other causes

If the widget has been installed very recently, it might take some time to update. This is due to how the widget is cached, which is done to ensure it loads as fast as possible in the future. You can clear the cache by clicking Save changes in the widget editor again.

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